Initiative Checks

At the start of a battle, each combatant makes an initiative check. An initiative check is a dexterity check. Each character applies his or her dexterity modifier to the roll. Characters act in order, counting down from highest result to lowest. In every round that follows, the characters act in the same order.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Using Modern Technology During the Game, Is it worth it?

If you play any edition of D&D, or really any game for that matter, then you know that modern technology can be either a boon or a hindrance depending on how it's used.
On the plus side there's a whole world of inspiration just a few keystrokes away. With a strong connection to the internet and the right search phrases a good DM could show up and run a game from scratch with little or no prep time, believe me, I've done it. Think about it, he/she would have trillions of pictures, premade stats, generators, and music at their fingertips and I haven't even mention the value of word processors like Microsoft Word and OpenOffice Writer.
But just when you though you'd found the holy sanctum of planning, distraction rears it's ugly head. You know what I'm talking about if the DM has ever paused in the middle of describing a beautiful, babbling brook because nobody is listening anymore or they've had to remind the same player fifteen times how many orcs are left in combat because he's also playing Minecraft and chatting on Facebook.
This brings us to the question presented in this article. Is it worth it? Should you ban all gadgets from your games or just some? Does the DM have to follow that rule too or is he excused because he needs his computer to organize things? 
Fortunately there is a simple, time honored answer: Leave it up to the DM. As the driver of the fantastical car it's his job to decide which distractions are allowed and which ones aren't. This problem can be complicated if the DM's the one being distracted or if the distractions are more often the players than the electronics. Both of these are more or less resolved by a group discussion about out-of-game house rules (See my earlier article about problem players entitled Dealing With Grief And The Players That Cause It).
So I guess it's up to you and your friends to decide: Is using modern technology during a game worth it? Post your thoughts in the comments below.